Hand pull winter annual weeds now to keep them from going to seed this spring. Some common annual weeds include chickweed, henbit, hairy bittercress and dead nettle.
David Clement, Extension Specialist Universityof Maryland Extension
Red thread is a common disease on turf during cool wet weather in the spring and fall. However, this season because of cool wet weather it is still active. Turfgrasses affected include tall fescue, fine fescue, rye grass, bentgrass and to a lesser extent Kentucky bluegrass and Bermuda grass. Read more.
The North Carolina State University Lawn Care App is designed to assist North Carolina
home owners with their lawn care. Focussing on the key categories of lawn care and
maintenance, the NCSU Lawn Care App uses time sensitive information to tell you
the HOWs, WHATs, and WHENs of how to care for your lawn. To download the app, click here.